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Friday, September 26, 2008

Children's Books on the Presidency and Election

Books on the Presidency and Election from

Try searching for children's books related to the election and presidency and you'll find that most books for elementary aged kids are textbook style and designed for school needs on the history of our government. For reading at home you probably want something more fun!
I was alerted to this by a friend of mine who wanted books to share with her 10 year old. It took a bit of searching, but she was delighted with what I found. She has now been recommending the books I found to her friends.

See the full list of books I found, find out more about this specific book and take a look inside at, or see Getting the Inside Scoop on Elections (a 2008 book with facts and activities).

For some fun and informative links related to the election head over to Sweet Serendipity. Haben at My5LittleMonkies is also studying the election and recommends the curriculum she is using.


Lydia Netzer said...

Cool books! We're doing an elections unit study right now -- I will have to check out your list! Awesome! :)

Hey, if you do blog about the Book Arts Bash (the postmarked-by-deadline is Oct 1) let me know so I can shoot you a link back! Nice to meet you.

Alison Kerr said...

Thanks for visiting Lostcheerio. I'll be sure to let you know if I write about the Book Arts Bash.

Nice to meet you too :-)

Holly said...

What a great opportunity to disucss the political process with our children in the midst of this very exciting (and nerve-wracking) election! This month's Appleseeds Magazine was all about the election. I'm sure it can be found at any library.

Alison Kerr said...

Hi Holly, thanks for the tip. I'll have to check Appleseeds Magazine out :-)

Ruralmama said...

(gasp!) We've been avoiding the election and president's topics. (horrified pause here)
Mainly because my kids are not even remotely interested in any of it, but sadly their mother can't seem to create enough energy to discuss it either. This election year just has me so...bleah....
So we've been studying moths and butterflies instead. Ah, the joys of 1st grade science!
Good luck with the election units maybe we'll generate some interest in the process in 4 years (LOL).

Alison Kerr said...

You know Sarah, I don't think I'd be remotely interested in the election either if my kids were on 1st grade learning. You've get plenty of time to mention politics when your kids have learned about other aspects of life ;-)

I pretty much ignored the election the last two times around, but this year the difference is 1)I actually get to vote and have to make a decision and 2) Artist Girl will be old enough to vote at the next Presidential Election. I didn't think I could put off learning just a bit any longer :-)

Haben said...

Hi, we just started a elections unit study too. Thanks for the book list. If you want to check out some of the other things we are studying, visit my blog at
Thanks, Haben

Alison Kerr said...

Hi Haben, thanks for visiting. I added a link to your blog post about the election and the unit study you are enjoying :-)

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